Petition EN



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Petition EN

Our rights – your safety

The European Commission published a Communication on 8 June 2017 with the aim to influence Member States to restrict the right to strike of Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs).

This Communication seeks to reduce the ability of ATCOs to defend themselves and their capacity to raise their voice in order to maintain and improve the safety of the European sky.

The European Union does not have competence to rule on the right to strike and ATCEUC and ETF therefore consider the recommendations contained in the document as interfering in national competences, violating the Treaty. In addition, if the European Commission’s attacks are not stopped, they can also have strong negative consequences on global aviation safety.

Please sign the petition below now, to support ATCOs in their fight for their rights!

I, the undersigned, call on the European Commission to respect the ATCOs’ rights enshrined in the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental rights and refrain from any actions restricting these rights.

Why is this important for me?

According to the Treaties, the EU internal market shall be based on a social market economy. Despite various social statements from Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, the reality looks fundamentally different: big business currently runs the European Union.

Everyone is concerned by this dossier for a very simple reason: today, the ATCOs are under attack but tomorrow, it can be you. No one is immune against the attacks on our fundamental rights. The aviation sector is a very sensitive industry based on a high level of professionalism and complex technology. By attacking the fundamental rights of air traffic controllers, the balance of the whole aviation chain could be put at risk!

Together we stand for our rights and the safety of your flight!
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Our rights – your safety

The European Commission published a Communication on 8 June 2017 with the aim to influence Member States to restrict the right to strike of Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs).

This Communication seeks to reduce the ability of ATCOs to defend themselves and their capacity to raise their voice in order to maintain and improve the safety of the European sky.

The European Union does not have competence to rule on the right to strike and ATCEUC and ETF therefore consider the recommendations contained in the document as interfering in national competences, violating the Treaty. In addition, if the European Commission’s attacks are not stopped, they can also have strong negative consequences on global aviation safety.

Please sign the petition below now, to support ATCOs in their fight for their rights!

I, the undersigned, call on the European Commission to respect the ATCOs’ rights enshrined in the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental rights and refrain from any actions restricting these rights.

Why is this important for me? 

According to the Treaties, the EU internal market shall be based on a social market economy. Despite various social statements from Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, the reality looks fundamentally different: big business currently runs the European Union.

Everyone is concerned by this dossier for a very simple reason: today, the ATCOs are under attack but tomorrow, it can be you. No one is immune against the attacks on our fundamental rights. The aviation sector is a very sensitive industry based on a high level of professionalism and complex technology. By attacking the fundamental rights of air traffic controllers, the balance of the whole aviation chain could be put at risk!

Together we stand for our rights and the safety of your flight!


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